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Take extra precautions to protect your health, how to avoid problems created by climatic conditions and where to get help in case of a problem.

For Indian's travelling overseas into certain countries (eg. Africa, South America) Yellow Fever innoculation is required. Please call your Dedicated Travel Counsellor for further details. Largely for Europe and USA no innoculation is required.

A lot of visitors get ill in India due to poor hygiene, untreated water, mosquitoes and undressed open cuts. So, it is essential for the visitors to keep high resistance to such health risks to avoid any health problems that could ruin the excitement of the visit.


Get enough sleep and rest, especially in a hot climate.

A poor diet lowers your resistance, so take a good diet every day but avoid eating too much.

Make sure you take enough salt and drink enough water- mineral water preferably.

Be particularly wary of prepared dishes that have to be reheated.

Avoid salads unless you know they have been soaked in iodine or potassium permanganate.

Wash your hands properly and treat all the cuts with iodine or antiseptic.

Never share a razor or toothbrush with anyone.

Always keep hypodermic needles, sterilized skin wipes, antiseptic cream, plasters and sealed bandages with you.

If you are going on a long trip, have a dental check-up done before you leave.

Pain balm or dried soap can be of great help.

Getting Medical Help

In case of minor health problems, consult the hotel doctor on call or the pharmacist. Most medicines are available in medical shops and are made as per IP standards. Private clinics and mission run hospitals are better than state-run ones.